Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Why I do not have a job: Reason #1 - The Best of Office Space

Sometimes I get a little de-motivated from the apathetic, non-productive and wageless existence I live. I get crazy ideas, like maybe I'll type in 'www.seek.com.au' into the address bar and see what comes up.
But no. With steely determination, I force browser back to youtube and watch clips from Mike Judge's 1999 masterpiece 'Office Space', and I remember, this is why I don't work.


Anonymous said...

'You know, I had an idea like that once'

'Really, what was it?'

'Well alright... it was a jump - to conclusions mat. You see, it would be this mat that you would put on the floor and have different conclusions written on it - that you could jump to!'

'That is the worst idea I've ever heard in my life, Tom'

Anonymous said...

wow thanks for retyping what I just saw in the video, I really needed read it again.